This week’s promotional discount

This week’s promotional discount is on my 2014 book Complete Collected Intercessions, a compilation of the numerous prayers of intercession I’d written for various books up to and including that year.

Normally priced at £24.99, this week, until 13 September, you can purchase it at a 10 per cent discount – a saving of £2.50 – using the code INTERCESSIONS10 when ordering the book from the Kevin Mayhew website. Just type the code into the relevant box at the checkout between the dates given.

Meanwhile, here’s the last extract this week from the book, to run alongside this promotion. It focuses on the lonely and the estranged.

Almighty God,
hear our prayer for those who feel lonely,

We pray for those whose relationships have been broken,
whether through separation, divorce or bereavement;
and we pray for those deprived of the relationships they might have had:
children unwanted by their parents,
parents alienated from children,
family members estranged from one another.
Lord, in your mercy,
reach out in love.

We pray for individuals who feel rejected by society –
those who have no confidence in their abilities,
no place where they feel accepted,
no sense of their own worth.
Lord, in your mercy,
reach out in love.

We pray for communities divided by prejudice, race or religion,
for churches where there is disagreement, tension and disharmony,
and for nations broken by war and violence.
Lord, in your mercy,
reach out in love.

Almighty God,
bring friendship to the lonely,
reconciliation to the estranged,
harmony to the divided,
and comfort to the bereaved.
Lord in your mercy,
reach out in love.

In our homes and our families,
our schools and our places of work,
our country and our world,
may your love be shared among us,
bringing hope and healing,
solace and companionship.
Lord in your mercy,
reach out in love.