I’ve loved using images to reinforce words, ever since I wrote the first of my little books of prayers for animal lovers. Every picture, they say, tells a story, and undoubtedly visuals can offer an extra layer of meaning, capturing the imagination as well as the mind. It was with this in mind that I wrote The Little Book of Christmas Prayers, a few years ago in 2008. Short and simple, the prayers in the book offer an imaginative way not only to consecrate this season to God but also to reflect on the truths at its heart. What does Christmas mean, and, more importantly, what should it mean? In the pages of this little book are words and images to speak both to and for you – to express thanksgiving, remorse, praise and intercession, while at the same time celebrating God’s coming among us in Christ bringing new life to all. Set aside a few moments to read, consider and make the thoughts expressed your own, and you may find this age-old season comes alive as never before.
To help you do that, this week, until 13 December, you can purchase The Little Book of Christmas Prayers from Kevin Mayhew Ltd at a 10 per cent discount, using the code CHRISTMAS10 when ordering the title from the company’s website. With the book normally retailing at £5.99, that’s a saving of 60 pence. Just type the code into the relevant box at the online checkout between the dates given.
Here, meanwhile, is the first of the sessions I’ll be posting this week from the book, to run alongside this promotion.
Help me to remember, Lord,
that whatever I receive this Christmas,
it can never compare
with that greatest gift of all:
your coming among us in Christ.