Through a glass darkly

From the book I am currently working on, Still, Still with Thee – a book of morning and evening prayers for every day of the year – an acknowledgement that, at best when it comes to God, we see through a glass darkly.

He has made everything beautiful in its time, and has put a glimpse of eternity in the human heart, yet no one is able fully to fathom everything that God has done. ‍Ecclesiastes 3:11

Mighty and mysterious God,
I think I see you,
and I do,
but I glimpse just a merest fraction of the whole.
I think I know you,
and I do,
but I comprehend only in part, as through a glass darkly.
I think I love you,
and I do,
but that love is flawed,
as much about me as you, and probably far more so.
I think I serve you,
and I do,
but I serve myself first, offering you just the scraps left over.
I think I honour you,
and I do,
in the occasional word and deed,
but I bring shame on you too through the person I am and the person I’m not.
I think I proclaim you,
and I do,
but consciously or unconsciously I more often conceal you,
just as I conceal my faith,
reluctant to be identified with your name.
Thank you for the sense of your presence that you have put within me.
for the inner restlessness that you alone can meet,
but save me from ever thinking that my knowledge is complete,
or journey of discipleship over.