Another Celtic-style prayer

Here’s another of my Celtic-style prayers that I felt you might appreciate. It offers a way of committing each and every day into God’s care and to his service.

God of the dawn

God of the dawn,
grant new beginnings
each day,
each moment,
in my life.

God of breakfast-time,
feed me not just in body
but also in mind and spirit.

God of the morning,
give me conscientiousness, vigour and wisdom,
so that I may approach this day’s tasks enthusiastically,
and do all things to the best of my ability.

God of elevenses,
teach me to get my work–life balance right,
and to recognise that I will function better,
and feel better,
if I learn to pause sometimes,
to rest
and to take stock.

God of noon,
help me to focus not on my time
but on yours.

God of lunchtime,
teach me,
as I eat,
to think of others as well as myself:
the poor,
the hungry,
the homeless,
the exploited –
those for whom even a light meal such as this would seem a luxury.

God of the afternoon,
save me from familiarity, staleness or complacency.
Help me, as the day wears on,
still to give of my best,
until what needs doing is done,
and done well.

God of the evening,
teach me to relax,
to unwind,
to enjoy this precious gift of life,
whether making time for self,
or sharing it with family and friends.

God of supper,
help me to appreciate how lucky I am,
the good things I enjoy,
the many reasons I have to be thankful.

God of the dusk,
fill me with peace,
with quietness deep within,
a tranquillity that nothing is able to shake.

God of night-time,
remind me that through the hours of darkness,
you are by my side;
that your light continues to shine,
despite all that seems to shut it out;
and that day will dawn once more.