Prayers for All Seasons (book 1) (this week’s promotional discount)

This week, until 27 December, you can purchase Prayers for All Seasons (book 1) from Kevin Mayhew Ltd at a 10 per cent discount, using the code ALLSEASONS10 when ordering the title from the company’s website. With the book normally retailing at £27.99, that’s a saving of £2.80. Just type the code into the relevant box at the online checkout between the dates given.

Here, meanwhile, is the sixth of the prayers I’ll be posting this week from the book, to run alongside this promotion.


Loving God,
we praise you for all we have to rejoice in at Christmas,
this special reminder year by year of your coming to us
in Christ.
Come to us now,
and help us to keep you at the centre of our celebrations.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Come to our loved ones,
our families,
our friends,
all those we hold dear
and whom we shall share with or think of
over these coming days.
Help us as we celebrate and make merry
to think also of Christ,
and through drawing closer to him
to grow closer together.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Come to those in special need –
the poor, the sick, the lonely and sad,
the homeless, the helpless,
the oppressed and persecuted;
all those for whom life is hard and the future seems bleak.
Reach out to them in love,
and give them something to celebrate.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Loving God,
may the light of Christ break into the lives of people everywhere,
bringing your joy,
your peace,
your hope,
and your love,
a song of praise on their lips,
and celebration in their hearts.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Come to them,
come to us,
come to all,
and send us on our way,
rejoicing in the Gospel,
and praising you for the wonder of your grace.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.