A love greater than we can begin to contemplate

Here’s another of the prayers I’ve been attempting to write recently in language reminiscent of the ancient and much-loved Celtic tradition. It explores, simply, the love God has for us; a love greater than we can begin to contemplate.

A love greater than we can begin to contemplate

To the One who loves you more than you can imagine;
the One who loves you more than you realise;
the One who loves you more than you will ever know;
the One who loves you more than any other begins to;
the One who loves you more than you love yourself;
the One who loves you more than creeds proclaim;
the One who loves you more than words can express;
the One who loves you more than you can comprehend;
the One who loves you more than you would ever credit;
the One who loves you more than you can ever deserve
the One who loves you more than it seems possible to love –
to that all-caring, awesomely devoted God,
be praise,
and glory,
and thanks
and worship;
and love poured out in return.