The God who holds the future

To me, prayer shouldn’t be separate from daily life, but should arise spontaneously from it, inspired by the ordinary sights, sounds and experiences that surround us. That was the raison d’être behind my book Heaven Touching Earth, as well as for the other books in the series, Touching Down, Touched By His Hand and Touching the Seasons. The following prayer, for example, was inspired years ago by watching my son playing a computer game, which spoke to me of the God who holds the future.

The computer game

I was in control –
able to shape lives,
move armies,
fashion empires,
influence history –
and it was compelling stuff,
like crafting a new world . . .
playing God.

Only of course I wasn’t in control, Lord,
not in the real world,
for I’m no more able to dictate my destiny
than to create life or defy death,
such a feat beyond my reach.
I can shape things, to a point,
exerting influence for better or worse,
but more often than not I’m the one being shaped,
swept along by the latest current of opinion
or tide of events.
Teach me where true power really lies:
not in my hands,
but in yours.