A love greater than we can begin to contemplate

Here’s another of the prayers I’ve been attempting to write recently in language reminiscent of the ancient and much-loved Celtic tradition. It explores, simply, the love God has for us; a love greater than we can begin to contemplate.

When the night is dark, Lord,
and its lonely hours seem long;
when I long for the dawn,
but there is no sign of its coming;
when sleep proves elusive
and dismal spectres crowd in upon my thoughts;
be with me to calm and reassure.

When the storms of life are fierce,
buffeting me beyond my power to resist,
the winds of change tossing me now this way, now that,
hopes and dreams disappearing beneath a deluge
that threatens to overwhelm me completely,
be with me to hold and to help.

When the way ahead is hard,
the path choked by brambles,
the route impassable,
the terrain dangerous
the road closed,
be with me to strengthen and to guide.

When the summer sun is fading,
the days growing shorter and evenings cooler,
leaves falling from the trees,
blooms over for another year,
be with me to speak of beginnings as well as endings,
of life as well as death.

Whatever problems I may face,
whatever challenges,
whatever obstacles,
whatever disappointments,
be with me to shine a light
and to illumine my steps.