Each day springtime

Prayer shouldn’t be separate from daily life, but should arise spontaneously from it, inspired by the ordinary sights, sounds and experiences that surround us. That was the raison d’être behind my books Touched By His Hand, Touching Down, Touching the Seasons and Heaven Touching Earth, followed later by Calling Mars and Calling Venus, aimed specifically at men and women respectively. Here, for example, is a reflective prayer inspired by the sight of a field of daffodils, which spoke to me of how Easter is able to make each day springtime.

The daffodils

They danced in the breeze,
nodding their heads as if celebrating springtime –
a blaze of colour where just months before
all had been bare.
Once more the season had performed its magic,
bringing new life out of old,
new beginnings from what had seemed the end.

May the wonder of this season, Lord,
point to a deeper wonder:
your resurrection power
that makes each day springtime,
each moment a new dawn, full of promise.
Help me to recognise that, with you,
every apparent ending leads to a fresh start,
death itself the gate to life.