What we can do

From In a World of Tears and Sorrow, a poetic prayer that, recognising the limits to any difference we can make, nonetheless offers what we can do to God.

I cannot change the world alone,
I can’t make all things new.
Beside the breadth of human pain
there’s little I can do.
But I can show compassion,
and from my plenty share,
and through the things I do and say
can simply show I care.

I can’t respond to every voice
or give to every cause.
I cannot heal the world’s divides
or put a stop to wars.
But in a host of little ways
I still can play my part;
can work for peace and harmony –
responding from the heart.

I cannot make injustice end,
the poor and hungry feed.
I can’t make evil disappear
or answer every need.
But I can join with others
in tackling what is wrong;
alone we can do little –
together we are strong.