Not enough?

I listened to a report this morning on the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, potentially as devastating as any that has gone before. The situation there, of course, is complicated by international politics, and deep reservations concerning the Taliban and their appalling human rights record over many years, but that, of course, is small comfort to the 18 million people facing starvation, suffering, death. My heart bled for those so tragically affected, but, as the following prayer explores, empathy, however sincere, is not enough.

I tell you the truth, whenever you did it to the least of your brothers and sisters,
you did it also to me.
Matthew 25:40

Thoughts are not enough,
words are not enough,
concern is not enough,
tears are not enough,
for your world, Lord, is hurting, bleeding, sighing, weeping,
and at least some of its problems are in part down to me.
Not that I’d ever consciously harm anyone,
or wilfully shut my eyes to the plight of the needy,
but though I mean well,
I know also that good intentions don’t absolve me from my share of responsibility.
The pain of the suffering,
groans of the sick,
plight of the homeless,
anguish of the starving,
despair of the oppressed,
misery of the poor –
much of this springs from a society, a world, in which the dice is loaded against them,
in which some prosper at the expense of others
and serving self is the all-consuming creed.
And much though I might wish to,
I cannot wash my hands of every trace of guilt,
for my lifestyle,
my comfortable existence,
owes much to the status quo.
Thoughts are needed,
words are needed,
concern is needed,
tears are needed,
but more importantly, actions are needed,
deeds that show I care and that truly seek to make a difference.
Help me live out my faith, Lord;
truly to practise what I preach.