The God who knows the future

From my book Touching the Seasons, a prayer concerning the trust in God’s future that lies at the heart of this Advent season.

The horoscope

Do some actually believe it?
It’s hard to credit,
for could anyone seriously imagine
their fortunes today
or fate tomorrow
are linked to the movement of stars light-years distant,
and shared by countless others across the world
with nothing else in common but their date of birth?
Apparently so,
for why else would the column be printed,
week in, week out,
unless the publishers assume
some people are gullible enough
to take it seriously?

Remind me, Lord, that you alone truly know the future,
your promises of old
having found fulfilment in Christ,
the message of the Law and prophets
vindicated by his birth, death and resurrection.
Help me,
remembering all you have so faithfully done,
to trust in all you will yet do,
confident that,
in the fullness of time,
your will shall be done
and your kingdom come.