A Prayer for Maundy Thursday

Today is one that takes us to the very heart of Holy Week, the tension in the Gospel narratives almost palpable as the shadow of the cross looms ever larger, As Jesus breaks bread and shares wine with his twelve apostles, ominously declaring these to be his body and blood, and as he warns that one of those sharing the supper will betray him, another deny him and the rest forsake him, the full horror of what Jesus is about to endure, and the extent of his commitment to humankind, becomes increasingly, and wonderfully, clear.


Then he said, ‘This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, shed for many.’
Mark 14:24

Lord Jesus Christ,
you knew that the road to Jerusalem led also to a cross,
yet still you took it.
You knew, as you agonised in Gethsemane what was being asked of you,
yet still you accepted God’s way rather than your own.
You knew that Judas would betray you,
yet still you broke bread with him.
You knew Peter would deny you,
yet still you loved him.
You knew that the disciples would desert you in your hour of need,
yet still you shared wine with them.
You knew that those who would follow in their footsteps
would betray you, deny you, forsake you in turn,
their faith weak, their commitment fragile,
yet still you surrendered your life,
enduring the horror of crucifixion,
for them and for all.
You know that we will fail you in turn;
that, for all our good intentions,
all our desire to serve you,
all our passionate resolve,
our devotion to you is as frail and flawed as any,
yet still you value us,
reach out to us,
restore us,
renew us.
Lord Jesus Christ,
Such love is too marvellous to comprehend.
I worship you.