Most of us, no doubt, are busy getting ready for Christmas, whether that’s preparing carol services and the like, writing Christmas cards, buying and wrapping presents, or planning the practical details of festive celebrations. But are we actually open to Christ’s coming in our lives. In all the hustle and bustle this time of year brings, we can forget sometimes what it’s ultimately all about, even as we ostensibly remember it. The following prayer, adapted for personal use from my book 2,000 Prayers for Public Worship, asks God to keep us focused on the essential message, and our equally important response.
Lord Jesus Christ,
I remember today that though your people longed for your coming,
many were not prepared to welcome you,
failing to recognise you when you came.
Forgive me that I am equally closed at times to your coming into my life,
forcing you into a mould I have made for you,
presuming your thoughts and your ways are the same as mine.
Forgive me that my expectations are small and limited,
shaped by looking at life from a human rather than eternal perspective.
Forgive me, and help me to be prepared.
Teach me to examine myself –
my words and deeds,
thoughts and attitudes –
and so to live each day open to what you would do in and through me,
to the glory of your name.