New coronavirus prayer 2

Here’s another new coronavirus prayer, to help support and encourage you during the continuing crisis.

too many are still dying,
too many still grieving,
too many still hurting.
We know that progress has been made,
but so much remains to be done.
Reach out to hold.
Reach out to help.

Too many feel cut adrift,
all at sea;
too many feel frightened,
consumed by anxiety;
too many feel lonely,
too many are confused,
unsure where to turn next.
Reach out to hold.
Reach out to help.

So many are still falling victim to this disease,
fighting for their lives,
dependent on oxygen or ventilators,
on intensive care units and round-the-clock support,
to give them a chance of survival.
Though the death rate may have peaked
and be slowly falling,
the impact of coronavirus
and its potential consequences
remain terrifying.
Reach out to hold.
Reach out to help.

Too many people with other health conditions are at serious risk –
those with cancer,
heart conditions,
possible strokes,
or requiring surgery or other treatment,
putting their wellbeing in jeopardy by not going to hospital,
or having the option taken away from them by cancelled appointments.
Though countless lives are being saved,
we know that countless others may well be lost as an indirect result of this pandemic.
Reach out to hold.
Reach out to help.

Too many people’s future is in doubt,
their jobs,
their businesses,
their livelihoods
undermined by the consequences of social distancing.
We think of those whose life savings have been lost through the collapse of a venture,
those who live with the threat of redundancy or dismissal from their jobs,
those who are likely to find themselves with no employment
and no income,
once the current furlough arrangements end.
Reach out to hold.
Reach out to help.

Though governments have done much to mitigate the economic consequences of this crisis,
we realise there is a limit to their resources,
and that there can be no guarantees for the future.
How deep the recession will be,
and how severe an impact it will have on ourselves,
our children
and our children’s children,
we do not know,
but we are troubled and anxious about what it all might mean.
Reach out to hold.
Reach out to help.