Seize the Day: A Mindful Guide to Fuller Living (this week’s promotional discount)

This week, until 3 January, you can purchase Seize the Day from Kevin Mayhew Ltd at a 10 per cent discount, using the code SEIZE10 when ordering the title from the company’s website. With the book normally retailing at £14.99, that’s a saving of £1.50. Just type the code into the relevant box at the online checkout between the dates given.

Here, meanwhile, is the third of the reflections I’ll be posting this week from the book, to run alongside this promotion.

Deal kindly, one with another

A kind word can warm three winter months.
Japanese proverb

A kind word is like a spring day.
Russian proverb

Constant kindness can accomplish much.
As the sun makes ice melt,
kindness causes misunderstanding,
mistrust and hostility to evaporate.

Albert Schweitzer

Deal kindly, one with another,
so far as you are able,
doing to all as you would have them do to you,
for though some may seem callous and thoughtless,
most people are more fragile than they seem.
A spiteful word here,
a cruel jibe there,
a carping criticism or nagging tongue,
and an ego lies bruised,
a heart broken,
a spirit crushed.
And yes, though the truth must at times be spoken,
consider always the way you speak it:
your manner,
your reasons,
your intent –
for though we tell ourselves otherwise,
too often our words are more about us
than the one spoken to –
our frustrations,
our putting others down to build ourselves up.
Deal gently then, in all your relationships,
with everyone you meet,
mindful of the power of the words you wield.
Open your heart to others,
so that they may open theirs to you.