Answers to ‘Which Gospel?’ quiz

Here are the answers to yesterday’s quiz on the Gospels, taken from my book Ask Me Another.

1. The ending is from Matthew (28:20).

2. Luke 2:41-51 tells us of the boy Jesus at the temple.

3. John’s Gospel says far more could have been included.

4. John 8:1-11 tells of the woman caught in adultery.

5. Matthew and Luke have the most verses in common.

6. John 20:24-29 tells us of ‘doubting Thomas’.

7. Luke is addressed to Theophilus.

8. Matthew begins with a genealogy.

9. Acts is the sequel to Luke’s Gospel.

10. Luke 19:1-10 tells us of Zacchaeus.

11. Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels, having 16 chapters.

12. Matthew is the longest of the four Gospels, having 28 chapters.

13. Luke 24:13-35 tells us about Cleopas and his fellow disciple on the Emmaus Road.

14. We read about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet in John 13:1-11.

15. Mark begins, ‘The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God’.