Committing the new day

Here’s a prayer from the book I’m currently working on: Still, Still with Thee – a prayer for every morning and evening of the year.

Make me to hear about your awesome love and kindness each morning, for in you I trust.

Psalm 143:8a

Again, Lord God, I commit this day to you.
Help me to make time for you through it,
hear you through it,
learn of you through it,
serve you through it,
honour you through it,
obey you through it,
stay true to you through it,
trust you through it,
love you through it,
know you through it,
witness to you through it,
respond to you through it,
delight in you through it,
love for you through it.
Teach me to see today as your gift,
special like every other:
an opportunity to put faith into action,
to practise what I preach,
to grow in faith and understanding,
and, above all,
to receive and celebrate the blessings you offer:
life in all its fullness.
You have given me this day, Lord:
help me to return it to you with interest,
in glad and grateful praise.