God’s world, not ours: a prayer in response to climate change

Here’s a prayer I’ve written this morning in response to climate change, reminding us that we live in God’s world, not ours. Talks continue today until the end of the week at the Glasgow COP26 summit, but once again it’s hard not to fear that the results will be underwhelming, stymied by greed, factionalism and self-interest. Undeniably, the issues are complex, and if we are to tackle them it will require changes to our lifestyles for us all far greater than we’ve probably seriously contemplated, but scientific reports and revelations week by week make clear the consequences if we fail to respond. Ecological concern can no longer been seen as a fringe concern espoused by a cranky few – not, of course, that it ever should have been. Those who have sounded the warning trumpet have been proven to be the prophets of our time, daring to speak the unpalatable truth despite attempts to ridicule and silence them. For every Christian, every person of faith, the wellbeing of our environment shouldn’t be an incidental part of their prayer life but as integral to daily devotions. ‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.’ What does that mean for you, in practice?

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all those who live in it.

Psalm 24:1

The rivers are yours.
You made them, Lord – not me.
The seas and oceans are yours.
You made them – not me.
The mountains and hills are yours.
You made them – not me.
The valleys are yours.
You made them – not me.
The grass is yours.
You made it – not me.
The plants and flowers are yours.
You made them – not me.
The woods and forests are yours.
You made them – not me.
The animals and birds are yours.
You made them – not me.
The fish, reptiles and insects are yours.
You made them – not me.
The rocks and minerals are yours.
You made them – not me.
The ice caps are yours.
You made them – not me.
The sky is yours.
You made it – not me.
The nations are yours.
You made them – not me.
The world is yours, and everything within it.
You made it – not me.
All is yours, Lord, fashioned by your hand,
yet I am part of a species that has lived with little thought of you or tomorrow.
treating the wonders of creation as ours to plunder, abuse and exploit.
Forgive us, and give us time still to recognise our mistakes and rectify them.