Open your heart

My next book – God of Here, There and Everywhere: Prayers Inspired by the Celtic Spiritual Tradition – should be out very shortly, hopefully in time for Christmas. It contains 140 prayers, and to give you a flavour of the material, here’s the first of them. It invites us, simply, to open our heart to God.

Open your heart to the purpose of God:
it is the path to fulfilment.
Open your heart to the mercy of God:
it is the path to forgiveness.
Open your heart to the mystery of God:
it is the path to enlightenment.
Open your heart to the wonder of God:
it is the path to humility.
Open your heart to the riches of God:
it is the path to contentment.
Open your heart to the presence of God:
it is the path to assurance.
Open your heart to the word of God:
it is the path to instruction.
Open your heart to the blessing of God:
it is the path to joy.
Open your heart to the guidance of God:
it is the path to wisdom.
Open your heart to the kingdom of God:
it is the path to service.
Open your heart to the greatness of God:
it is the path to reverence.
Open your heart to the compassion of God:
it is the path to wholeness.
Open your heart to the love of God:
it is the path to wellbeing.
Open your heart to the Son of God:
it is the path to new beginnings.
Open your heart to the Spirit of God:
it is the path to peace.
Open your heart to the entirety of God:
it is the path to true and heartfelt worship.
Open your heart to the divine:
and, be assured, the divine will open its heart to you.