Advent praise and confession

From my book Prayers for All Seasons (Book 1) – a comprehensive resource for public worship, covering not just the Christian year but a host of events and occasions in the church calendar – an Advent prayer of praise and confession.

Loving God,
we praise you again for this season of Advent,
this time of preparation, thanksgiving, challenge and reflection.
Open our hearts to all you would say now,
and help us to listen.

We praise you that in fulfilment of your eternal purpose
you came to our world in Christ,
revealing the extent of your love,
showing us the way to life,
allowing us to know you for ourselves.
Open our hearts to all you would say now,
and help us to listen.

We praise you that you came again in Christ
to his disciples after his resurrection,
bringing joy where there had been sorrow,
hope where there had been despair,
and faith where there had been doubt.
Open our hearts to all you would say now,
and help us to listen.

We praise you that through your Holy Spirit
you make Christ real to us each day,
filling us with his power,
his peace,
and his love.
Open our hearts to all you would say now,
and help us to listen.

And we praise you for the promise that Christ will come again
to establish his kingdom,
to begin a new era,
to bring us and all your people life everlasting.
Open our hearts to all you would say now,
and help us to listen.

Loving God,
forgive us that so easily we lose sight of that message of Advent,
allowing its wonder to be swamped
by our busy preparations for Christmas,
by concerns which are so often unimportant,
by our carelessness and disobedience in discipleship.
Open our hearts to all you would say now,
and help us to listen.

Forgive us that we forget your promises,
we frustrate your Spirit,
we lose sight of your love.
Open our hearts to all you would say now,
and help us to listen.

Meet with us, we pray, through this time of worship,
through your living Word,
through the fellowship we share,
and through the risen Christ.
Open our hearts to all you would say now,
and help us to listen.

So may we truly celebrate the Advent of your Son,
and be equipped to serve him better,
to the glory of your name.